Gorgeous heirloom seeds to grow your own fruit, veggies, herbs and flowers at home. Plus discover our range of cute gardening gift ideas, windowsill kits, grow kits, and more.
See product pages for the best time to plant seeds in Australia according to the different climatic zones.
Some veggies are best planted as seedlings or tubers in August, but some can start as seeds such as Cauliflower, Beetroot, Cabbage, Lettuce, Radish, Peas, Winter Lettuce, Chives, Spring Onion. You can use seedling pots to plant seeds and get a head start with herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes and capsicums, provided you keep them in a sunny, warm, protected position.
September is of course Spring and warming up so there are a lot more choices for seeds such as all your herbs, beans, peas, broccoli, capsicum, chives, cucumber, eggplant, tomatoes.