Black Chicken Remedies

It is said that Black Chicken is an ancient crone, renowned for her healing powers and ability to transform her appearance at will.

For centuries they came, with their problems and ailments, to sit at her feet. Only those with good hearts were admitted. Those who had forgotten how to trust sought her door in vain.

So the story goes…

They came for comfort, for salves, for oils and herbs, for creams and cures.  They told their stories and for each she had a little magic to spare.  Black Chicken knows, they said, one to another, and so their children learned and their children’s children.
Black Chicken knows.

Black Chicken is the stuff of legend, but there’s no myth in the remedies afforded by practical and specific application of 100% essential oils.

Black Chicken Remedies create beautiful natural and organic skin care products made from therapeutic oils and plant extracts. Their products are handmade with love in Bondi Beach, Australia. Black Chicken Remedies axilla deodorant paste is one of the best natural deodorants available and a Biome bestseller and staff favourite.

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